SmartFlow® Presentation
On March, 31, 2017 Jesús Flores Medina and Adrian Villagrana Veyna presented the SmartFlow® system, the latest development of Lasec Telecomunicaciones S.A.P.I. de C.V..
SmartFlow® is a real-time data information system for mine wide localisation and visualisation via tagging&tracking. The system has recently been installed at the Tizapa Mine, which is mainly owned by Peñoles Group. Our clients have worked with a stable and reliable system since. The data provided by the SmartFlow® system has not only been used to detect safety related risks but also to optimise production processes and material flows.
The system and its first succesful implementation were presented to the Clúster Minero de Zacatecas (CLUSMIN) where entrepreneurs, managers and state representatives of the state of Zacatecas have gathered to share their mining knowledge, push local businesses and generate new innovations. With their innovations in the area of smart safety devices and integrated data informations Lasec Telecomunicaciones S.A.P.I. de C.V. contributes significantly to the local business sector.
For more information on our SmartFlow® system contact:
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